Tag Archives: Health

Is Personal Training DISempowering You?

Are you paralyzed by all of the “do this” and “do that” surrounding diet and exercise?

Let me tell you, it’s really not that complicated.  Your body intuitively knows what to do, we just live in a society that encourages us to seek outside of ourselves for answers.  Stop dumping your power and personal responsibility.

First, I am not against personal training. Athletics would not be nearly as fun to watch without the great trainers of the world, and people would be hurting themselves constantly without instruction.  However, I am against displacing your power and personal responsibility onto anyone, but yourself.

This might hurt a bit, but bear with me.  Your body is YOUR responsibility.  You have every freedom to do whatever you want with it.  Take responsibility for your choices.  If you need help, get help.  But, do not rely on your trainer to fix you. That is NOT his or her responsibility. AND, you are more than capable of fixing you, I promise!

A hundred, or even fifty years ago, we did not have the “weight loss” frenzy we see today.  Today, people are not laboring outside like they used to, people LIVE to eat, rather than eat to live, bodies and minds are stressed and then we demand our bodies to look a certain way through diet pills and surgeries.  C’mon people, wake up!  It’s not the next diet fad, or personal trainer, or pill, or surgery that is going to fix you.  It is your ENVIRONMENT that needs fixing, and YOU alone control it.

Not everyone is going to love exercise and eat perfectly all the time, but stop complaining about what you have the power to control.  If you want a sustainable, high functioning mind and body, there is only one way to do that.  Your body is a natural product of your environment, and a reflection of your thoughts and attitudes.  Change your environment, change your life!

If you want to use a trainer for knowledge, YES! Do it!! If you want to use a trainer for motivation, yes! If you want to use a trainer for technical instruction, so you don’t hurt yourself, yes! But, do not use a trainer for hand holding, as if you are incapable of taking direction in your OWN life.  That is the greatest insult to your intelligence and competence.

Find a workout that is fun, makes you laugh, and moves your body until it sweats!  Don’t eat crap, especially in excess.  Eat NUTRITIOUS foods (food from nature, not a factory). Detox from the foods that don’t make you feel your best (you already know what they are!).  Get quality sleep, think positive thoughts and don’t compare yourself to others.  AND most importantly, LISTEN to your body.  It is speaking to you.  It’s really that simple, but don’t expect it to be easy.

Does this sound doable?  Whatever you choose to do, with or without a trainer, TAKE ACTION.  WORK HARD.  STAY FOCUSED.

Let’s hash this out.  Leave a comment if you agree or disagree.

reflection quote

How healthy is every aspect of your environment? What do you have access to?